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Scattering film
RPC HiLAM High Efficiency Lambertian Engineering Scattering Sheet 400-2000nm (1 "Circular Uniformity Sheet/Diffuser/Lambertian)
Substrate material: Borofloat glass mechanical specifications: The HiLAM diffuser is provided in a circular installation as shown in the cover image. Standard substrate size: 1 "(25.mm) circular diffuser material: UV cured polymer strength distribution: Lambertian (cosine and angle)
Product PN# product name Spot shape Material Refractive index Wavelength range Other parameters
HiLAM-1inch RPC HiLAM Efficient Lambertian Engineering Scattering Sheet (1 "Circular Uniformity Sheet/Diffuser) Lambertian (朗伯特) Polymer-on-glass 1.56 @ 633nm 400-2000nm Add Inquiry