Source: Idealphotonics Inc   Publish Time: 2014-05-22 14:41   9550 Views   Size:  16px  14px  12px

Tunable Diode Laser Absorption Spectroscopy solution

Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS) is a sensitive and variable technique for gas analysis and trace gas detection. Idealphotonics provide the whole ptodct solution for customers from different fields. Tuning of the wavelength of a narrow linewidth diode laser allows scannhg of individual absorption lines of molecular gases, such as carbon dioxide (C02), carbon monoxide (C0), ammonia (NH3) or methane (CH4). By measuring the light absorption caused by the gas sample it is possible to determine the target gas volume concentration even for very small abundance. Applications for TDLAS can be found in the fields of environmental monitoring, process monitoring or atmospheric research. The investigations within the current project deal with spectrometers that are based on DFB (distributed feedback) or VCSEL (vertical cavity surface emitting laser) laser sources in the near infrared spectral region between 760 nm and 2000 nm.
TDLAS working theory
Product Solutions and Laser diode controller
Output of high stable drive current(up to 32A)
High precision temperature control±0.2℃
Safe boot with multiple protection
High power control

14 PIN Butterfly package:wavelength760~2200nm
5.6 TO Package wavelength from1280to 3270nm
wavelength:2465nm,2475nm,2485nm,2495nm,2505nm,3270nm are all available from Idealphotonics Inc.
Output power:5mW, 10mW,20mW ,30Mw
Coupler or Collimator
Configure(For coupler):1*2,2*2,3*3.Output fiber:PM,SM,MM
Find more in laser components
We can provide you different materials including Silicon detector,InGaAs detector.Please contact our sales for further information.
Typical Absorption Spectroscopy
O2 Absorption Spectroscopy

Oxigen is the most important molecule on earth. Without oxigen, there would be no life possible on this planet. In combustion processes, the amount of oxigen needs to be exactly measured. In the Hitran database, many transitions can be found, and there are several strong absorption lines the 760nm regime, for example. Some of these strong line at 760nm are shown in the figure, detected with a simple oxigen absorption experiment.
Caesium Absorption Spectroscopy
Caesium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was first discovered by Bunsen and Kirchhoff in 1860 using spectroscopic investigations. It is characterized by one valence electron. 

The spectra show the saturated absoption of the D1 line of Caesium at 895nm. The spectra are detected with a continuous scan with a Sacher Lasertechnik tunable diode laser system
CH4 Absorption Spectroscopy
Methane is one of the most important organic molecule on earth. However, in some 'applications' the amount of methane needs to be exactly measured. In the Hitran database, many transitions can be found, and there are several strong absorption lines the 1655nm regime, for example. Some of these strong line in the 1655nm regime are shown in the figure, detected with a simple absorptionexperiment
HCl Absorption Spectroscopy
Hydrogen Chloride is one of the most important acits. However, in some 'applications' the amount of hydrogen chloride needs to be exactly measured. In the Hitran database, several transitions can be found. A popular transition is within the first vibrational overtone around 1742nm.
Potassium Absorption Spectroscopy
Potassium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was first discovered by Humphry Davy in 1807 when potassium and sodium were individually isolated from different salts by electrolysis. It is characterized by one valence electron.

The spectra show the saturated absoption of the D1 line of Potassium at 770nm. The spectra are detected with a continuous scan with a Sacher Lasertechnik tunable Littman/Metcalf diode laser system.
Water Vapor Spectroscopy(H2O 1392nm)

Water is the most important molecule on earth. Without water, there would be no life possible on this planet. However, in some 'applications' the amount of water vapor needs to be exactly measured. In the Hitran database, many transitions can be found, and there are several strong absorption lines the 1390nm regime, for example. Some of these strong line at 1388nm are shown in the figure, detected with a simple water vapor absorption experiment
Rubidium Absorption Spectroscopy
Rubidium is a very reactive alcali metal of the first group of the table of elements. It was first discovered by Bunsen and Kirchhoff in 1861 using spectroscopic investigations. Due to its typical red color of the spectral lines it was named after the Latin word 'rubidus' (darkred). It is characterized by one valence electron. The natural abundance of Rubidium isotopes is 85Rb(72.2%) and 87Rb(27.8%).

The spectra show the saturated absoption of the D2 line of Rubidium at 795nm. The spectra are detected via one continuous scan with a Idealphotonics tunable diode laser system.

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